We have an electric boat lift on our dock so you can bring your own boat while you stay at Sunny Mornings. A few weeks ago it broke, and we had to get the GFI (Ground Fault Interrupter, also known as GFCI) replaced. The lift is now working, but we realized that we should explain a little bit more about how it works.
The electrical power to the lift as well as to the lights on the dock goes through a conduit along the side of the dock. On the land side of the dock, on the concrete wall of the old boat house, you find a GFI and two electrical outlets under a protective cover. If the orange light is on, the GFI has tripped and there is no power to the dock. Press the reset button and you should head an audiable click and the light should go off. Please do not use the switch to the left of it.
On the dock there is a handle that regulates the lift (marked up – off – down). There is also another handle switch that turns on and off the overhead lights. It is located high on one of the horizontal beams. The light at the end of the dock has a light sensor and comes on at dusk and turn off at dawn.